Palme d’Or: “The White Ribbon” by Michael Haneke

The Palme d’Or was awarded to Michael Haneke for The White Ribbon.


Michael Haneke accepted the distinction from the hands of Isabelle Huppert with these words: “Thank you very much. Sometimes my wife asks me a very feminine question: that is, am I happy. Well, let me say that at this moment in time, I am very happy. Much thanks also to Thierry Frémaux for including me in this prestigious competition; to my producers, for letting me do what I wanted; to the funding sources which financed the film, and to the children, who were an enormous gift to me. A thousand thanks!”


At the Award winners Press Conference, Michael Haneke said: “I feel good. Naturally. The Palme d’Or is the best prize a filmmaker can win. I am very happy. There are always rumors at the Festival, and one must not take them seriously. When I presented Hidden, everyone was telling me I was going to win the Palme. And I didn’t get it… Of course, you’re curious about how it’s going to end up. I am not proud, but I am very happy. In my opinion, it’s silly to be proud. As a director, I always see the flaws in my films. I’m never entirely satisfied. You just hope the audience won’t notice them.”
