Brad Pitt: “This film is universal. Terrence Malick wants to speak to all cultures.”

Brad Pitt © B. Pavan

The actors Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain attended the Press Conference for Terrence Malik’s latest flim, The Tree of Life, accompanied by the film’s four producers: Sarah Green, Dede Gardner, Bill Pohlad et Grant Hill.


Brad Pitt on the film:

“It would take many days to explain the film’s creative process. The screenplay was wonderfully written, very intense, but Terrence Malik didn’t want to follow it slavishly. He likes to capture the truth between the lines. That’s why this film feels so fresh. On top of that, it was almost entirely shot in natural daylight.”


“This film is universal, Terrence Malick wants to speak to all cultures.”


Bill Pohlad on the fact that Terrence Malick was not present to discuss his film:

“He doesn’t want to discuss his film. He wants the public to see it as a poem, for everyone to interpret as they see fit.”


Jessica Chastain describes her collaboration with Terrence Malick:

“I worked with Terrence for 3 months before shooting. He suggested I study paintings which captured the idea of grace. During shooting, we didn’t think about the final result. We let go and lived entirely in the present. At one point in the film, a butterfly comes to rest on my hand. It wasn’t in the script, but Terence creates the kind of set on which such things can happen.”


Bill Pohlad onTerrence Malick:

“He is someone who consults everyone. While shooting, he wanted to know how this story affected us personally. He loves to hear a rangeof opinions on everything, even the editing. That’s why he used many editors. He loves having fresh input at every moment.”


Brad Pitt explains the link between the film and his childhood:

“I was raised as a Christian and when I was young, I asked a lot of questions in order to understand things. These same questions are asked in the film, which is why it moved me.”
