Born and lived in Nazareth. Her acting career started with Palestinian’s El- Hakawati Theatre Group until the late 80’s when she moved to Europe.
Her feature film work includes Mashharawi’s Haïfa; Amari’s Satin Rouge; Abu-Assad’s Paradise Now; Nasrallah’s Bab el Shams; Gitai’s Free Zone and Disengagement; Spielberg’s Munich; Riklis’ The Syrian Bride and Lemon Tree; McCarthy’s The Visitor; Dabis’ Amreeka, Chéreau’s Persecution; Jarmush’s The Limits Of Control, Schnabel’s Miral, and Mihaileanu’s The Source,
Additionally, on Iñárritu’s Babel as well as Spielberg’s Munich, she worked as creative consultant and acting coach.
Hiam Abbass who directed two short movies, Le Pain and La Dance Eternelle, is now completing her first feature entitled Inheritance.