Sandrine Bonnaire was discovered by Maurice Pialat and began work as an actress aged sixteen by playing Suzanne, the heroine of To Our Loves. Her striking collaboration with Pialat continued in 1985 with Police, and in 1987 with Under Satan's Sun, winner of the Palme d'Or at Cannes. In between times, she won the César for her role as Mona in Vagabond by Agnès Varda and shot Jacques Doillon's The Prude in 1986. She has inspired most of France's great directors: Téchiné (The Innocents 1987), Sautet (A Few Days with Me 1988), Leconte (M. Hire 1989 and Intimate Strangers 2004), Depardon (Captive of the Desert 1990), Rivette (Joan the Maid 1994 and Secret Defense 1998), Chabrol (A Judgement in Stone 1995, for which she won the best actress award at the Venice Film Festival, and The Color of Lies 1999). She has also worked with young directors such as Patricia Mazuy or Michel Béna and on international productions like Towards Evening by Francesca Archibugi, The Plague by Luis Puenzo, Prague by Ian Sellar, and East-West by Régis Wargnier. Among her most recent successes we might mention C'est la vie by Jean-Pierre Améris and two films by Philippe Lioret: Mademoiselle and The Light. She has just finished shooting Pierre Jolivet's Irrésistible.