Alexandre Desplat is a worthy successor to the French masters of film music Delerue, Duhamel, Jarre, Legrand. If his scores for "Read my lips" and "The Prophet" directed by Jacques Audiard established his credibility in french Cinema, it was with his scores for "The Girl with the Pearl Earring", Birth and Syriana, bringing an innovative voice with an original expression that Alexandre Desplat launched his career as one of the most active European composers in Hollywood. He has won in 2006 a Cesar and the Berlinale Silver bear for his score to "The beat my heart skipped", the Golden Globe 2007 for The Painted Veil et has received 3 nominations at the Oscars in 2007 for "The Queen", in 2008 for "The Curious case of Benjamin Button" and in 2009 for "The Fantastic Mr. Fox".