Sang-hyun is a beloved and admired priest in a small town, who devotedly serves at a local hospital.
He goes to Africa to volunteer as a test subject in an experiment to find a vaccine to the new deadly infectious disease
caused by Emmanuel Virus (E.V.). During the experiment, he is infected by the E.V. and dies.
But transfusion of some unidentified blood miraculously brings him back to life, and unbeknownst to him, it has also turned him into a vampire.
After his return home, news of Sang-hyun’s recovery from E.V. spreads and people start believing he has the gift of healing and flock to receive his prayers.
From those who come to him, Sang-hyun meets a childhood friend named Kang-woo and his wife Tae-ju. Sang-hyun is immediately drawn to Tae-ju.
Tae-ju gets attracted to Sang-