Ah Ying is a “Miss Big North” (1) from Wunan in Mainland China. She braved her way to Hong Kong with a short-term tourist visa. Here in Hong Kong, she does not exist. In her eyes, this city does not exist neither… During this initiatory journey to the Dollar-City, she met other three immigrants from mainland China : Quin works as a lift operator in a big Chinese restaurant. She used to work as a social dance teacher. She lost her son and one leg in a traffic accident. Ah Jian is Quin’s live-in boyfriend. An outmoded villain, he works in a porno video rental shop which is facing its insolvency. Ah Chun is a lift repairer. A disciplined introvert, his only past-time is playing bad jokes in the radio phone-in program and frequenting brothels. Entrapped in those dingy brothel, cramped lift o