35 directors, from 5 different continents and 25 countries, all universally recognised, pay tribute, in 3 minutes each, to the motion picture theatre, that magical venue of communion par excellence of film lovers the world over. 33 individual works for a collective celebration.
For further information about the 33 short films, click here.
Directed by : Manoel DE OLIVEIRA, Olivier ASSAYAS, Amos GITAI, Jane CAMPION, Ken LOACH, Claude LELOUCH, Theo ANGELOPOULOS, Elia SULEIMAN, Raymond DEPARDON, Takeshi KITANO, Lars Von Trier, Wim WENDERS, Andrei KONCHALOVSKY, Roman POLANSKI, Aki KAURISMAKI, David LYNCH, Alejandro González IÑÁRRITU, Youssef CHAHINE, Jean-Pierre DARDENNE, Atom EGOYAN, Bille AUGUST, Ming-Liang TSAI, Michael CIMINO, Nanni MORETTI, WONG Kar Wai, Raoul RUIZ, Joel COEN, Ethan COEN, Gus VAN SANT, ZHANG Yimou, Kaige CHEN, David CRONENBERG, Hsiao Hsien HOU, Abbas KIAROSTAMI, Walter SALLES, Bruce BROWN
Year of production: 2007
Duration: 120